Common Problems With Traditional Hand Wear
> Advantages of using the HANDLOGIC® Glove Sizing System
The HANDLOGIC® Glove Sizing System is an improved system that incorporates two-dimensional dimensions of a human hand into a size designator of a glove size. The quantified size designator facilitates a quantified process for a user to select a proper glove size for best fit and tactility.
Prior glove sizing systems have been focused on the circumference of the hand. This focus provides the necessary palm width to put the gloves on and off. However, for a given palm width, there are multiple choices for corresponding finger lengths. As a result the gloves based on circumference are often sized with fingers that are too long in length. The HANDLOGIC® Glove Sizing System utilizes the length of the index finger (in millimeters) as the size designator. This finger is the most critical for sense of touch and manipulating small objects - also referred to as tactility. Therefore, when gloves are made to closely fit this finger length, the optimum tactility is realized. 1. It allows a person to choose a glove that offers the best fit in terms of a specific attribute such as tactility. 2. The glove sizing system has the advantage of allowing a person to logically chose, in a quantified manner, the glove size that corresponds to their measured hand dimension. 3. The glove size designations refer to actual hand measurements that can be measured by a person with out using any specialized hand-measuring device. A ruler or scale found in a common household is adequate for measuring the index finger length. 4. The size designations are not abstract descriptors; therefore the user knows how the glove will fit their hand based on the size designation. An example of a generic abstract descriptor would be the word “Large”. Unfortunately, for the end user, the manufacturers have no standard for what a size “Large” is and therefore, you will find that a size “Large” varies in dimensions for each manufacturer and/or glove style. 5. The glove sizing system is a single sizing system that applies to both male and female hands. 6. There is a reduction in the trial and error time required by a consumer when they are selecting a proper glove size. The reduced trial and error time is due to the quantified logic applied to the size designator. This logic facilitates a quantified process of selecting the proper glove size. 7. The HANDLOGIC® Glove Sizing System has a great advantage when used in sales of gloves via e-commerce, catalogues and other similar mediums in which the consumer is not able to physically touch the glove product prior to purchasing. Once the person knows one or two of their two-dimensional hand dimensions and that this dimension corresponds to the glove size, the choice of the proper size glove is more assured as opposed to choosing a glove with an abstract descriptor such as “large”. 8. This system provides a quantified and directly correlated process for a central procurement buyer to procure the proper quantity of each glove size once one or more easily measured hand dimensions of the users are known and kept in a database. The organizer of this data can select the proper glove size for each user by applying this data to a hand fit chart that accompanies the glove sizing system. 9. This sizing system becomes a self-policing policy for standardization amongst glove manufacturers because the size designator directly corresponds to the hand size of the glove it is intended to fit. This counters the common response by manufacturers that say their gloves run “large” or run “small” when a customer is dissatisfied with the fit of the gloves. 10. The sizing system aids the retailer by minimizing the times that customers need to take gloves out of their packaging. This is because there is less need for the consumer to try on different sizes to select the best fitting glove. 11. In closing, it is all about providing the proper glove size for best fit and tactility in a logical and easy to use system. > Problems with Traditional Glove Sizing
Traditional glove sizing can be confusing. Traditional glove sizes use abstract size designations such as “Small, Medium, Large or numbers 1,2,3, etc.” The abstract size designations make it difficult for a user to select a proper glove size. There is no obvious correlation to an actual hand measurement. See the examples listed below for gloves styles in use by the US Military. • Work Gloves, Fire Fighting Glove, and Commercially available gloves: • Intermediate Cold Wet Glove: • Unisex Dress Glove: • Flyers Glove: > Common Problems With Traditional Handwear
Download this page in PDF format At MASLEY Enterprises Inc., we provide technical hand wear solutions - gloves designed for specific performance properties and made to fit so that you’ll actually keep them on your hands while performing your mission. These solutions overcome many of the common problems that most users experience with traditional hand wear. We’d like to assist you in the most accurate and efficient manner. Please take a moment to review the list below and check off those problems that affected your field personal. After consulting with you, we will inform you how our solution eliminates these problems AND save your team time, energy, money and potentially lives. 1. Lack Dexterity creating multiple problems including inaccuracy when firing weapons. 2. Too Bulky making it difficult to operate equipment and/or need to take gloves off to perform most tasks. 3. Have Dexterity but No Durability leading to the need to carry an extra pair of gloves for light duty tasks. 4. Stitching exposed on fingertips tears easily rendering the glove useless in short period of time. 5. Lacking water resistance leading to cold hands. 6. Materials soaking up water creating bulk and cold hands. 7. Heat buildup when fast roping requires the use of extra liner. 8. Multiple glove styles are necessary for deployment creating extra expense, weight and bulk to carry. 9. Lack of breathable materials creating clammy, and uncomfortable hands. 10. Palm materials melt when touching hot objects rendering the glove damaged. 11. Wrong color stands out from surroundings and becomes a target. 12. Poor Fitting – Sizes don’t fit well, Fingers too long, too tight, etc. causing user to take gloves off for most tasks. 13. Inconsistent sizing. The size “Large” is different for each manufacturer and glove style. This makes it difficult to buy/choose the proper size. 14. Lack of flame resistance allowed gloves to catch fire and burn hands. 15. Lack of cut resistance allowed cut related injuries. 16. Lack of puncture resistance allowed puncture related injuries. 17. Wrong cuff length not compatible with garment sleeve. 18. Non-uniform look due to users purchasing their own hand protection. > Many Ways to Wear!
The UTILITY-A1™ Glove System is remarkable for keeping its tactility and sense of touch when worn with or without the knit liners. There are many ways to wear this system and benefit from the broadest comfortable temperature range from Hot 100°F+ down to Moderate Cold 20°F. • Dexterity is first and foremost so that the user will actually keep the gloves on their hands. At first glance the glove shell looks bulky, yet dexterity tests and user testimonials demonstrate that this glove system is close to the tactility of the Summer Flyers glove. • Warmth is provided by weather protection from water splashing and light rain so that you can continue to perform your tasks accurately. • Comfort is provided by the highly breathable shell fabric and leather. Even when worn in HOT weather, your hands won’t be much hotter than bare hands. • Durability is ensured by the tough materials and unique pattern construction for long time mission use and cost savings. See pictures and explanations below for the “many ways to wear”!